Chronme Online Stopwatch - 30s videotutorial by Len Charnoff

Have a look at Len Charnoff’s 30s Videotutorial about Chronme:

Note:Unfortunately Len Charnoff’s videotutorials are no longer online

3 Responses to “Chronme Online Stopwatch - 30s videotutorial by Len Charnoff”

  1. Antonio Says:

    Visit Antonio your chron me is just I need for my PHP project.
    I need to insert one on each row of my table. Could it possible?
    best wishes Antonio
  2. admin Says:

    Visit admin Dear Antonio
    Can you be a bit more precise about what you need. I don’t think I understand what you mean with “I need to insert one on each row”.
  3. Denise Dowd Says:

    Visit Denise Dowd This is terrific and we would love to use in a project for our children’s hospital. But, we will not have access to the Internet.. Is it possible to run this as a standalone on a laptop.
    Is it available that way?
    thank you